Looking For Sponsor

Leagues Played
DOTA2 - Gold Occupation 4
Our esports team is a group of highly skilled and dedicated gamers who compete in various online and offline tournaments. We specialize in games such as League of Legends, Overwatch, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Dota 2. Our team consists of players from different parts of the world, each with their unique playstyle and expertise.

We are currently looking for a sponsor who can help us take our team to the next level. With your support, we can participate in more tournaments, upgrade our equipment, and provide our players with the resources they need to succeed. In return, we offer our sponsor exposure to a growing audience of esports fans, as well as the opportunity to be associated with a team that is passionate about gaming and dedicated to excellence.

If you are interested in sponsoring our esports team, please contact us to discuss the possibilities. We look forward to hearing from you!