mYinsanity is a professional esports team that competes in various video game tournaments and leagues. The team was founded in 2014 and has since then established itself as a formidable force in the esports industry. The team is known for its exceptional skills, strategic gameplay, and dedication to the sport.

mYinsanity has a diverse roster of players who specialize in different games such as Starcraft II, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm. The team has won numerous championships and accolades, including the 2015 Heroes of the Storm European Championship and the 2016 Starcraft II Nation Wars.

The team is also known for its strong community presence and engagement. They regularly interact with their fans through social media and live streams, and they also organize events and meetups to connect with their supporters.

Overall, mYinsanity is a highly respected and successful esports team that continues to push the boundaries of competitive gaming. Their dedication to excellence and passion for the sport make them a force to be reckoned with in the esports world.