FC Tawaz

Leagues Played
Mauritania Division 2 1
FC Tawaz is a dynamic and competitive soccer team based in the heart of the city. Known for their fast-paced and skillful style of play, FC Tawaz has quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the local soccer scene. With a roster of talented and dedicated players, the team is always striving for excellence on the field.

Off the field, FC Tawaz is a tight-knit group of individuals who share a passion for the beautiful game. They are known for their strong team spirit and camaraderie, both on and off the pitch. Whether they are training hard at practice or celebrating a hard-fought victory, the players of FC Tawaz always have each other's backs.

With a loyal fan base cheering them on at every game, FC Tawaz is a team that embodies the true spirit of soccer. They are determined, resilient, and always ready to give their all for the love of the game. Watch out for FC Tawaz as they continue to make their mark in the world of soccer.