Dumbledoge is a professional esports team that specializes in the game League of Legends. The team is named after their star player, Mustafa Kemal "Dumbledoge" Gökseloğlu, who is known for his exceptional skills as a support player. The team is based in Turkey and has gained a strong following in the region due to their impressive performances in various tournaments.

Dumbledoge is known for their aggressive playstyle and their ability to quickly adapt to their opponents' strategies. They are also known for their strong team communication and coordination, which allows them to execute complex plays with ease. The team is made up of highly skilled players who are dedicated to improving their gameplay and achieving success in the competitive esports scene.

Dumbledoge has participated in several major tournaments, including the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) and the Turkish Championship League (TCL). They have also represented Turkey in international competitions, such as the League of Legends World Championship. With their impressive track record and talented roster, Dumbledoge is a team to watch out for in the world of esports.