Richmond 2023-05-31 06:49

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Heart Of Garth -
05/31 06:51
05/31 06:52
2 Mrs. Jones 1.720
05/31 06:48
05/31 06:52
3 1 Tilly Banner 2.050
05/31 06:48
05/31 06:52
4 2 Milly's Song -
05/31 06:51
05/31 06:52
5 Jazz Section -
05/31 06:51
05/31 06:52
6 3 Subzero Katana -
05/31 06:51
05/31 06:52
7 Tia's Babe -
05/31 06:51
05/31 06:52
8 4 City Girl -
05/31 06:51
05/31 06:52
9 My Girl Fabio (Res)
9 My Girl Fabio
10 Marley To Excel (Res)
10 Marley To Excel