Albion Park 2024-01-24 07:42

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Out Of Austrian 1.800
01/24 07:38
01/24 07:43
2 Dreamy Dan -
01/24 07:42
01/24 07:43
3 2 Whole Truth -
01/24 07:42
01/24 07:43
4 Viking Rio -
01/24 07:42
01/24 07:43
5 3 Feel The Beat 1.952
01/24 07:38
01/24 07:43
6 1 Obliging Lionel 2.150
01/24 07:41
01/24 07:43
7 Kingsbrae Wendy 1.650
01/24 07:41
01/24 07:43
8 Final Countdown -
01/24 07:42
01/24 07:43
9 Springtime Storm (Res)
9 Springtime Storm