Aqueduct 2024-04-07 21:04

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Disappearance Oscar Barrera III Madison Olver SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 21:08
1 Disappearance Oscar Barrera III Madison Olver
2 2 Union Lights Wayne Potts Dylan Davis SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 21:08
2 2 Union Lights Wayne Potts Dylan Davis
3 Dads Good Runner Randi Persaud Heman Harkie
3 Dads Good Runner Randi Persaud Heman Harkie SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 21:08
4 1 Rocket And Roll B Cox Manuel Franco
4 1 Rocket And Roll B Cox Manuel Franco SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 21:08
5 Uncle Water Flow Patrick Reynolds Gokhan Kocakaya
5 Uncle Water Flow Patrick Reynolds Gokhan Kocakaya SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 11:10
6 3 Strong Light Roshan Samsundar Eliseo Ruiz SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 21:08
6 3 Strong Light Roshan Samsundar Eliseo Ruiz (5)
7 Thistle Jr Michael Catalano, Trevor McCarthy SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 11:10
7 Thistle Jr Michael Catalano, Trevor McCarthy
8 Zapruder Raymond Handal Kendrick Carmouche SP
04/06 14:21
04/07 21:08
8 Zapruder Raymond Handal Kendrick Carmouche