TI3 Alliance is a professional esports team that specializes in Dota 2. The team was formed in 2013 and quickly rose to prominence by winning The International 3, the biggest Dota 2 tournament at the time. The team is known for its aggressive playstyle and exceptional teamwork, which has earned them a loyal fanbase.

The current roster of TI3 Alliance includes some of the best Dota 2 players in the world, including Loda, Akke, EGM, s4, and AdmiralBulldog. Each player brings their own unique skills and playstyle to the team, making them a formidable force in the competitive scene.

TI3 Alliance has won numerous tournaments and championships since their inception, including DreamHack Winter 2013, StarLadder StarSeries Season 8, and ASUS ROG DreamLeague Season 1. They have also placed highly in other major tournaments, such as The International 4 and 5.

Overall, TI3 Alliance is a highly respected and successful esports team that has made a significant impact on the Dota 2 scene. Their dedication to the game and exceptional skill has earned them a place among the best teams in the world.