
Leagues Played
LOL - Turkey Academy Summer 6
Galatasaray Esports is a professional esports team based in Istanbul, Turkey. The team was founded in 2019 and has since become one of the most successful esports teams in the country. The team competes in various esports titles such as League of Legends, Valorant, and FIFA.

Galatasaray Esports is known for its strong and talented roster of players who are dedicated to achieving success in their respective games. The team has a strong focus on teamwork, communication, and strategy, which has helped them to achieve numerous victories in various esports tournaments.

The team is supported by Galatasaray Sports Club, one of the most successful sports clubs in Turkey. This support has allowed the team to have access to top-of-the-line facilities, equipment, and resources, which has helped them to improve their skills and performance.

Galatasaray Esports is also known for its active engagement with fans and the esports community. The team regularly participates in community events, streams, and social media activities, which has helped them to build a strong and loyal fan base.

Overall, Galatasaray Esports is a highly competitive and successful esports team that is dedicated to achieving excellence in esports. With their talented players, strong teamwork, and support from Galatasaray Sports Club, the team is poised to continue achieving success in the future.