
ReMinD is a professional esports team that specializes in the game Warcraft III. The team was founded in 2006 by the South Korean player Kim "ReMinD" Sung Sik, who is considered one of the best Warcraft III players of all time. The team has since expanded to include players from other countries, including China and Ukraine.

ReMinD is known for their strategic gameplay and exceptional teamwork. They have won numerous tournaments and championships, including the World Cyber Games in 2006 and the Electronic Sports World Cup in 2008. The team is also known for their dedication to the game and their fans, often streaming their matches and providing tips and advice to aspiring players.

In addition to their success in Warcraft III, ReMinD has also competed in other games such as StarCraft II and Dota 2. The team continues to be a dominant force in the esports world, and their dedication to the game and their fans has earned them a loyal following.