Yerevan Women

Leagues Played
Armenia Championship Women 1
Related Teams
The Yerevan Women's basketball team is a talented and competitive group of female athletes representing Armenia on the international stage. Known for their skill, teamwork, and determination, the Yerevan Women's team has quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the world of basketball.

With a roster of skilled players who excel in both offense and defense, the Yerevan Women's team is known for their fast-paced and exciting style of play. Led by a dedicated coaching staff, the team is constantly striving to improve and achieve success in every game they play.

Off the court, the Yerevan Women's team is known for their strong sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship. They are proud ambassadors for their country and are dedicated to representing Armenia with pride and honor in every competition they participate in.

Overall, the Yerevan Women's basketball team is a talented and inspiring group of athletes who continue to make their mark on the international basketball scene. With their passion for the game and determination to succeed, they are sure to continue achieving great things in the world of women's basketball.